The REDIAL Project, co-funded by the European Commission (DG Home) and coordinated by the Migration Policy Centre (MPC), in cooperation with the Centre for Judicial Cooperation (CJC) and the Odysseus Academic Network, was active from 2014 to 2016.
The project intended to facilitate horizontal judicial dialogue among the national judges involved in return procedures.
Its main purpose was to enhance the effective implementation of the Return Directive (2008/115/EC) through judicial cooperation among courts from all EU Member States.
The starting premise of REDIAL was that judicial cooperation contributes not only to cross-fertilization of relevant national and European case-law, but also to an increase in legitimacy of judicial review of return decisions. REDIAL has become an important instrument to assist national judges and legal practitioners in the application of the Return Directive.
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For further details you can get in touch with the Migration Policy Centre (MPC).
Please visit CADMUS to browse through all the REDIAL publications